About CCSO

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
– Matthew 7:24

Why we exist

Our Mission

We exist to be and to make disciples who love Jesus as their greatest treasure, learn Jesus as their way of life, and live Jesus for the renewal of the world.

Where we're going

Our Vision

With the help of God, our aim is to be a Christ-centred worshipping family of radical disciples, committed to showing and telling the good news of God’s Kingdom in Ossett and beyond.

What does that mean?


We want to be a church with Jesus at the centre. In all things, we want to be led by Jesus, lead like Jesus and lead people to Jesus. Ultimately, we want to know Jesus and make Him known.

Worshipping Family

We want to embody the truth that we are the family of God, gathered around Jesus, united by the Holy Spirit whose one great aim is to put His surpassing worth on display for all to see.

Radical Disciples

We want to live lives that are sold-out for Jesus, living His Lordship into every area of our lives. We can only do this by being rooted in His love and becoming lifelong apprentices of His way of life.

Showing and Telling

The good news that Jesus announced was that the life of God’s Kingdom was available to all. We don’t just want to announce God’s love with our
words, we want to be good news in our everyday lives.

In Ossett and Beyond

We want to see God’s Kingdom come in Ossett as in heaven, because we believe that God loves this place and its people. But we also want to play our part in taking the good news of Jesus the nations.

How we do things

Our Values

Our values direct how we do things; they are the principles that we want to guide us as a church family. You might say that these seven values are the things that we hope will become our DNA.

We are committed to being a church that…

Worships Joyfully

We make it our first priority to know God, to enjoy His presence, and to express our love for Him with all that we are and all that we do.

Prays Dependently

We want to be a people of prayer, who trust in God for everything and know that they can do nothing apart from Him.

Lives Radically

We want to be people who are all-in on Jesus, learning to live His way at all times, in all places, and in every area of our lives.

Loves Extravagently

We believe that to be church is to be part of God’s family, therefore we want our life together to reflect His love for us and our unity in Jesus.

Thinks Biblically

We want to be people who think and speak and act distinctively because of who we are in Jesus—learning to live His story in our daily lives.

Gives Sacrificially

As Jesus came among us as the Servant King, so we too want to joyfully, generously and sacrificially give ourselves away for the sake of others.

Witnesses Organically

We want our lives to speak of Jesus to the world—embodying His authentic, attractive and compelling vision of what it means to be human.